Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and a time where the sun’s fire in upon us a little less and the water moon sings her song.

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, this is Kapha Season( Earth & Water).
If we include warming foods and practices during this time of year, winter can become a beautiful opportunity for rebuilding, strengthening and rejuvenating the body as the digestive fire centres it’s firey energy rises deep within to keep us warm through the cooler months.

As you warm your core with soups, spices, teas and warm oil massage, it draws our attention inward and presents us with an opportunity for some inner reflection and journeying. 
Think of winter hibernation as a chance to focus on you, for contemplation and spiritual reconnection.

Kahuna massage/ Hawaiian Body work combined with warming herbally infused ayurvedic massage oils and dream sound therapy, cocooned in a candlelit, quiet clinic space, provides you a sacred window of time to refocus, rebalance, rejuvenate and reconnect. 
Come and let your heart be warmed
ph 0400727717
