Nadja is the owner and creator of Nadja's Family Acupuncture and Natural Therapies and it was her idea to create a hub for people to come into the Clinic and feel they have entered into a haven for people to really  relax and let go. It’s Nadja's wish for the local community and those visiting to feel so comfortable that they can allow the benefits of Acupuncture and natural medicine to occur. The Old Bakery is the 100-year-old building that the clinic is located in. There is a sense of history because the original oven is still in the wall. This provides a feeling of stability, of commitment and even a sense of trust and safety.

The style of acupuncture Nadja specialise in is a unique gentle traditional Japanese style. Nadja spent 4 years in Mr. Alan Jansson clinic, her senior Acupuncturist and mentor. It was over these years she learned Masakazu Ikeda Sensei Traditional Japanese Acupuncture Masters style. This is a very light needling technique and differs from the traditional Chinese style. The light needling means it’s very rarely painful, relaxing and easy to receive. Acupuncture often makes you feel so relaxed that you fall asleep and it’s believed that sleeping while you’ve got needles in enhances the beneficial effects of acupuncture.

Nadja and family

Nadja and family

Nadja likes to focus the treatments on the individual's main complaint but also the underlying cause of the symptoms someone is feeling. She talks about treating the root cause and uses the analogy of a tree. She says she treated the roots of the tree first so that the trunk and branches (symptoms) will recover faster and prevent imbalance from returning. Nadja loves to talk about the mind-body connection and will often suggest to us the time while on the table to focus your mind on the sensations in the body . This helps the mind quiet down and be more present. She’ll often suggest chanting a few works that help the person relax and feel more present and positive. Words such as Calm, relaxed, grateful, harmony, trust, faith, positivity, love etc.

Nadja treats everyone in the community from babies to the elderly. She has been specialising in supporting women during pregnancy as there is often little western medicine can offer during this time. She’s noticed that many women love being empowered to birth naturally and through Nadja's positivity women often feel much more in control of their births. Her interest has grown beyond just empowering pregnant women to empower everyone to listen to their inner calling. She believes we have all been born with a gift and it’s our birthright to find a way to express that. 

Soon Nadja will be traveling with her family around Australia. She knows this time away give her space to move into the next chapter of her carrier, connect deeper with her purpose so she can be of service to humanity. Exciting things to come like online Skype consultations, blogs, videos, and webinars are just a few ideas brewing.